Print Media

E and Tech Media represent the following print publications:


Frequency ELEKTRONIK is published every other week; its supplement, ELEKTRONIK AUTOMOTIVE is published 6 times a year | Circulation 33,434 total circulation / IVW audited, of which 20,861 copies are sent to qualified subscribers and 12,573 copies are broadcast to opt-in digital subscribers
Target Audience
Senior Electronics R&D and Design Engineers

GERMANY: Markt&Technik

Frequency Weekly | Circulation 38,026 copies in total/IVW audited - 20,436 print distribution and 17,590 e-paper distribution.
Target Audience
Electronics Design Engineers, Electronics Professionals and Decision Makers

INDIA: Electronics Annual Guide

Frequency Yearly | Circulation 30,000
Target Audience
Business Decision Makers, Traders, Electronics professionals

INDIA: Electronics For You

Frequency Monthly | Circulation 80,000 print copies + 100,000 digital copies
Target Audience
Electronics engineers, R&D designers, managers

JAPAN: Interface

Frequency Monthly | Circulation 30,000
Target Audience
Embedded Systems Design Engineers

JAPAN: Transistor Gijutsu

Frequency Monthly | Circulation 35,500 /ABC Japan audited
Target Audience
Broadbased Electronics R & D and Design Engineers

SOUTH KOREA: Electronic Parts & Components

Frequency Monthly | Circulation 16,000 copies / ABC Korea audited
Target Audience
Broadbased Electronics R & D and Design Engineers

TAIWAN: CompoTech

Frequency Monthly | Circulation 18,000
Target Audience
Broadbased Electronics R & D and Design Engineers